Monday, June 21, 2010

Squash gears for winner

Squash is a court game, and it resembles a game of tennis as the accessories required to play squash are the same as the ones used to play tennis. Rackets, hollow ball, uniform, shoes are some of the equipment necessary to play a game of squash. Squash is played within the four walls, and both the rivals will be standing on the same side hitting the ball on the wall opposite them within the purview of the rules. The game can become more fun depending on the equipment used. Good quality accessories are needed to play a decent game of squash.
The primary among squash equipment is the racket. A squash racket can be made of carbon, aluminum, and titanium. The handle is short and is interwoven with strings. The rackets should weigh between 120 gm and 210 gm. The smaller the racket the more control and hence professional squash players always prefer lighter rackets. The heavier the racket the more powerful the shots, but the control is lesser. While buying a squash racket it is important that certain factors are considered like string tensile strength. The string tension depends on the material of the racket, for aluminum can be between 19 and 29 pounds, whereas for titanium and carbon, the tension strength needs to be 24 to 28 pounds. Expert players always prefer carbon or titanium squash rackets and beginners favor aluminum.
Squash balls have to be selected based on the level of your play. Squash balls can be divided into four types, the super slow yellow dot is the official squash ball of the World Squash Federation. Yellow dot is used by professionals in tournaments and by club players. White or Green Dot is used by amateur players especially during winter season when the ball is not hit hard. Red Dot is used by coaches, and they have the capacity to retain a constant temperature, hence there will be no variation in bounce. Blue Dot is for beginners particularly to develop timing sense. This ball is not advisable for experienced players as it will tend to bounce in all directions when hit.
Squash shoes should be weightless and should have a better grip. Normally, squash shoes come with a cushion to absorb shocks while playing. Gummy layers are fixed at the bottom of these shoes, so that they do not leave marks on the floor.
Also used by squash professionals are racket overgrips for control and moisture absorption. Added accessories like squash bags and racket bags are also in vogue.
Investing in good squash accessories from a good sporting goods store will definitely increase your chances of winning a game as they give you not only comfort but a great deal of confidence.

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